Schedule Winterfolk XI Feb 15-17, 2013

3 Paid Stages at Winterfolk

Grainne – CD Recording – Live off the Floor

SATURDAY FEB 16 @ 7:00 – 9:00 pm – Mountbatten Room. TICKETS: $15 includes signed CD – spring release 2013. /Advance tickets recommended.

Grainne Unplugged – Live at Winterfolk w/ Tony Quarrington, Brian Gladstone, Bev Kreller and more. Recording engineer is John Switzer. Be part of recording history. Songs of Phil Ochs

Hosted by Sonny Ochs.

SUNDAY FEB 17 @ 1:00-4:00 PM – Mountbatten Room
TICKETS: $8 adv. / $10 door (subject to space limitations) / Advance tickets recommended
Where Have All the Folk Songs Gone 1:00-2:00 pm
Winterfolk Edition with Sue and Dwight and guests.
The Songs of Phil Ochs 2:00-4:00 PM. Hosted by Sonny Ochs w/ Jon Brooks, Eve Goldberg, Noah Zacharin, D’Arcy Wickham, Brian Gladstone, David Newland, David Essig, Tony Quarrington, Sebastian Agnello

Honouring Our Own Recoginzes Brent Titcomb

SUNDAY FEB 17 @ 8:00 – 11:00 PM – Mountbatten Room
TICKETS: $12 adv. / Advance tickets recommended

Artists include Brent Titcomb, Liam Titcomb, David Bradstreet, David Woodhead, Bela Ray, Brian Blain, and more.

Winterfolk XI Festival Hours February 2013

Thursday February 14 Private Launch Party for Artists and Media by Invitation Only Artist WorkshopsWorkshops are basically ‘Multi Artist Themed Performances’. The ideas for Winterfolk workshops are conceived and planned by the presenting artists themselves. Community Music at WinterfolkWinterfolk works with various music related organizations within our community, by offering them stages and increasing their public visibility.
Friday February 15 7:00 PM to 1:30 AM
Saturday February 16 1:00 PM to 1:30 AM
Sunday February 17 1:00 PM to 11:30 PM

Winterfolk XI Schedule

Friday February 15, 2013

Monarch’s Pub

Main Floor Lounge

Market Garden

Main Floor Cafeteria Style Eatery

The Listening Room

Located in Deck 27 – 27th Floor Get up close and Personal with the artist


Andy Griffiths CD Release A Latin Affair– with Laura Fernandez and QuiQue Escamila The Fires Of



Peter Verity Kim Doolittle Mike Dankert



Brian Gladstone & Tony Quarrington Americana Pie hosted by HOTCHA!
A slice of this tasty old tyme Americana pie is sure to make your eyes light up and yer tummy say “Howdy!” w/
The Blackwood Two, Dan Livingstone, Michael Jerome Browne
Jory Nash



Fraser Daley The Fabulous Whiteleys w/ Ken, Chris, Ben, Dan and Jesse Whiteley Al Lerman



Winterfolk All Star Blues Band w/ Jack De Keyzer, Al Lerman (Fathead), Julian Fauth, plus a few special guests dropping by. Laura Fernandez 11



Saturday February 16, 2013

Monarch’s Pub

Main Floor Lounge

Market Garden

Main Floor Cafeteria Style Eatery

Community Club Easy ListeningMount Batten Room 2nd floor

The Listening Room

Located in Deck 27 – 27th Floor. Get up close and Personal with the artist


Brian Blain’s Campfire Brian Blain’s Blues Campfire is part song-swap, part jam-session and all fun. Musicians are invited to sit in and play along. Benefit For Artscan Circle Founded in 2002 , ArtsCan Circle has been building relationships with remote First Nation communities for over ten years. Support this cause at Winterfolk.

w/ Hosts Carol Teal & David Joyce & Wendell Ferguson, Eve Goldberg, D’Arcy Wickham, Michael Jerome Browne, Brent Titcomb

Seneca College Independent Music Program Presents 

1:00 – Elder Sister Plum, South of North, West Night

2:00- Monica Pascoe, Amanda Paterson, Joey Mossman, Genevieve Gorman

SongTown Review Host Pete Otis presents

1:00 Steve Raiken, Ananth, Pete Otis, Paul Cross

2:00 – Peter Veriity, Sebastian Agnello, Frank Wilks. Paul Poisano





Glen Marais Best of Whistle Radio’s “Nite Out” w/ Hosts Tara
Donaghey and Mike Burns 3:00Mike Burns, Bruce MacNeil, Jonathan Isen, Erwin Schack 4:00 – Morgan Sadler, Carys Montgomery, Justin Kerswill, Cam Kennedy, Jeannette Doris

Award for Judy Perly & Best of the Freetimes Cafe Open Stage

Hour 1: Gina Horswood, Jessica Fodor, David Storey, Amateur

Hour 2: Erik Bleich , Quincey LePalme, Adam Martin, and Astrid Harrison

Seneca College Independent Music Program Presents Hosted by Linda M Jacob Gelcer, Ryan Flores, Elder Sister Plum, Genevieve Gorman



Sarah Beatty Aaron Garner



Reverend Max Woolaver Band Norm Lucien & Glen Hornblast

Best of Brian Gladstone’s Open Stage with Guest Host Andy Griffiths 5:00 – Nicole Coward, Roger Zuraw, Steve Raiken, Bela Ray

6:00 – Tania Joy Senior, Lawrie Ingles, Reid Pickering, Brian Jantzi

Maneli Jamal



Tia McGraff Tony Quarrington & Margaret Stowe Sillken



Whoa Nellie Poor Tom Grainne Recording Live CD off the Floor Grainne Unplugged – Live at Winterfolk w/ Tony Quarrington, Brian Gladstone, Bev Kreller and more. Recording engineer is John Switzer. Be part of recording history. TICKETS: $15 includes a signed CD – spring release 2013. / Advance tickets recommended. available on line or at the Winterfolk ticket kiosk. Julian Taylor



Freeman Dre & The Kitchen Party Kate Todd Manitoba Hal



The Wanted Maria Dunn Cris Cuddy Acoustic Unit (CCAU) Eve Goldberg



HOTCHA! Noah Zacharin Crabtree & Mills Jon Brooks



Dan Livingston & The Griffintown Jug Addicts Michael Jerome Browne Songs and Stories Hosted by Eve Goldberg w/ Kate Todd, Julian Taylor, & Jory Nash – play tunes and reveal the story behind the song, and the song behind the story. David Essig 11


The Trio of Fun

Wendell Ferguson, Tony Quarrington, and Paul Mills


Sunday February 17, 2013

Monarch’s Pub

Main Floor Lounge

Market Garden

Main Floor Cafeteria Style Eatery

Community Club Easy Listening – Mount Batten Room 2nd floor

The Listening Room

Located in Deck 27 – 27th Floor – Get up close and Personal with the artist


QuiQue Escamila

Songwriters Unite

Opening Set by Host Russell Leon then presents

Hour 1 – Mark Martyre, Gillian Kirkland, Joe Hash

Hour 2 – Taylor Abrahamse, Marion Drexler, Matty Powell

The Songs of Phil Ochs

1:00 – 2:00 Where Have All The Folk Songs GoneWinterfolk Edition Hosts Sue and Dwight are joined by Kim Doolittle, Mr. Rick Zolkower to present a SING-A-LONG tribute to the folk revival of the late 50’s & early 60’s!

2:004:00 Songs of Phil Ochs Hosted by Sonny Ochs (sister of the late Phil Ochs) with Jon Brooks, Eve Goldberg, Noah Zacharin, D’Arcy Wickham, Brian Gladstone, David Newland, David Essig, Tony Quarrington, Sebastian Agnello

TICKETS: $8 adv. / $10 door (subject to space limitations) / Advance tickets recommended available on line or at the Winterfolk ticket kiosk.

Ambre McLean



Jack DeKeyzer’s Guitar Jamboree w/ Gary Kendall (Downchild) & joined by Shawn Brush, Danny Marks, Tony Springer, Rick Taylor, John Jackson, Wendell Ferguson & more. Rye & Fairy Tales



Speak Music Presents Hosted by Bev Kreller & Howard Druckman w/
3:00 Allison Brown,

3:30 Anthony Damiao
4:00 Nancy Dutra

4:30 The Schotts

The Schotts



The Wars We Wage at Home Host Joanne Crabtree is joined by Paul Mills and Glen Hornblast. Through the language of music, three performers reflect on issues of poverty, abuse, gender bias, environmental breakdown, and more.

The Moonshine Cafe Presents

w/ Host John Marlatt presents

James MacKay, Lorne Allen, Alexander Quail, Martin Roleau, Christopher Bosselle, Three Young Diva’s, plus a few guests

Allison Brown



D’Arcy Wickham David Newland Karen Morand and BOSCO



What Happens on the Road Host Peter Verity is joined by Ambre McLean and Jory Nash Songs written about experiences while on the road; sharing anecdotes and stories about the wandering soul. John Jackson Acoustic Guitar ChampionsErwin Schack with Maneli Jamal trade songs and talk about guitars The Blackwood Two



The Odd Couple Tony Springer and Shawn Brush Sue and Dwight Songs for Peace and Social Justice Hosted by Maria Dunn with Teal and Joyce, Jon Brooks, and Sebastian Agnello Rick Taylor



Jeffery Straker Andy White Honouring Our Own Brent Titcomb  

Co-Presented by ‘Honouring Our Own’ recognizing Brent Titcomb , w/ guests Brian Gladstone, Brian Blain, Bela Ray, Tony Quarrington, Liam Titcomb, David Bradstreet, David Woodhead, and more.


TICKETS: $12 adv. / Advance tickets recommended available on line or at the Winterfolk ticket kiosk.

The Acoustic Blues of Winterfolk

8:00 Blues Songwriting Unplugged – Gary Kendall (Downchild) with Danny Marks play tunes and write a blues songs in real time with audience input.

9:00 Acoustic Blues Guitar Host John Jackson with David Essig, Mr. Rick and Manitoba Hal. Artists in song circle, share their tunes and show 6-sting techniques as slide, Finger style, different tunings, influences, and more.


9 Danny Marks David Celia 9


Irene Torres & The Sugar Devils Julian Fauth Wendell Ferguson


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